Out Of Office Leave Of Absence

How to request a Leave of Absence or Non-Practicing Certificate

Are you unable to mediate at the moment?

If you’re temporarily unable to offer mediation services, you may be eligible to request a Leave of Absence or apply for Non-Practicing status under the AMDRAS Accreditation Standards.  

📌 Leave of Absence or Non-Practicing Status

In these situations, you can apply to be recorded as Non-Practicing or request a Leave of Absence.

AMDRAS recognises that accredited dispute resolution professionals may need to take a break from practice due to:

  • Health issues
  • Career or life changes
  • Other special circumstances

📖 Refer to the AMDRAS Accreditation Standards – September 2024

 Section 4: Leave of Absence (page 7): 👉 Download the standards (PDF)

📝 How to Apply

🔹 If you are a Mediation Institute Member:

  1. Visit www.mimembers.au
  2. Log in using your member credentials
  3. Locate and complete the Leave of Absence Request Form

Your request will be reviewed by Mediation Institute in accordance with AMDRAS standards and guidelines.

🔹 If you are accredited through another RAP:

You’ll need to contact your Recognised Accreditation Provider (RAP) directly to obtain the correct process and forms for your application.

✅ Not sure who your RAP is?  Look yourself up on the National Register – Register of Nationally Accredited Mediators (It’s still on the old Mediator Standards Board) 

⏳ How long can I request?

You can choose the length of your leave based on your circumstances, but the process differs depending on whether you are requesting:

  • Up to 12 months
  • More than 12 months

⬅️ For Leave of Absence Up to 12 Months

  • You will be removed from the AMDRAS Public Register for the period of leave.
  • Your accreditation period will be extended by the same length as your Leave of Absence.
  • You may choose to return earlier than planned—just let us know.
  • At the end of the leave, you can renew your accreditation as normal, provided you meet the practice hours (20 hours), professional development (25 hours) and your Professional Indemnity Insurance is up to date.

✅ Example 1:

You’re going overseas for 6 months and not mediating during that time. Your accreditation renewal is due in 4 months.
You apply now for 6 months’ Leave of Absence.

  • Your name is removed from the AMDRAS Register.
  • Your renewal date is extended by 6 months.
  • If you return early, you’ll need to provide evidence of current Professional Indemnity Insurance to be reinstated.

✅ Example 2:

You’ve been diagnosed with a serious illness and need time to recover. You apply for a 12-month Leave of Absence.

  • Your accreditation is paused and extended by 12 months.
  • You will return when you’re ready, and renew your accreditation at that time.

⏳ For Leave of Absence More Than 12 Months

If your leave extends beyond 12 months:

  • You  can apply for a Leave of Absence or now under AMDRAS you can apply for a Non-Practicing Certificate.
  • Your name will be removed from the AMDRAS Register.
  • You must apply for reinstatement, not just renewal.

🔄 Reinstatement After a Long-Term Leave

To be reinstated after a Leave of Absence, Non-Practicing Certificate, lapsed, or suspended membership, you must provide:

  1. The date you were first accredited under AMDRAS and the relevant leave or lapse period.
  2. Evidence that you meet the approval requirements from Section 2.1 of the AMDRAS Standards:
    • Current Professional Indemnity Insurance
    • Remain of good character
  3. Proof of having met renewal requirements (e.g., CPD and practice hours) in the two years prior to your reinstatement request.
  4. If you have not met CPD or practice requirements:
    • You may be required to undergo gap training and/or competency reassessment.
  5. Compliance with any special conditions imposed when your leave or suspension was granted.

Your accreditation will be reinstated once we confirm that all requirements are met.

⚠️ Important:

You may only request a Leave of Absence once every 4 years. This is not intended for use during every short break or holiday.

🕒 Backdating Requests

Your request for a Leave of Absence can’t start more than two months before the date your application is submitted.

💤 Non-Practicing Certificate – AMDRAS

A Non-Practicing Certificate allows an AMDRAS-accredited dispute resolution professional to maintain a formal connection with the profession without actively mediating.

This option is suitable if you:

  • Are taking extended leave (e.g. parental leave, travel, illness)
  • Are stepping back from practice for personal or professional reasons
  • Want to remain part of the AMDRAS network but are not currently seeing clients

🔹 What it means to hold a Non-Practicing Certificate:

  • You are not required to complete CPD or meet practice hours during the period.
  • You will not appear on the public AMDRAS register.
  • You are not permitted to practice as an accredited mediator while holding this status.
  • Your accreditation is paused, but you retain your connection to AMDRAS.

📄 How to Apply

If you are a Mediation Institute member:

  1. Log in at www.mimembers.au
  2. Complete the Leave of Absence / Non-Practicing Certificate Request Form

If you are with another Recognised Accreditation Provider (RAP), contact your RAP directly for their process.

Leave of Absence Application Form

Call us on 1300 781 533 or contact us 

You must also notify the Attorney Generals Practitioner Registration Department if you are seeking a leave of absence from your FDR work.

If you are a NMAS / AMDRAS Mediator and your accreditation as an FDRP is conditional on having National Accreditation as a Mediator, you will be non-compliant with your obligations as a FDR Practitioner and should also request a leave of absence with the AG’s department.  Mediation Institute has an obligation to inform the Attorney Generals Department that you are taking a leave of absence from your NMAS Accreditation if you are also a FDR Practitioner. 


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