How do I keep track of my professional development?
Are you confused about your professional development (PD) requirements as a dispute resolution professional? This post will help you understand, as they vary slightly depending on your accreditations and registrations. Your hours are accumulated over a two-year membership period.
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What are the PD requirements?

NMAS / AMDRAS Mediators
Continuing Professional Development (CPD) of 25 hours every two years.
Mediation Institute is a Recognised Mediator Accreditation Body (RMAB) and will be applying to become a Recognised Accreditation Provider (RAP).
We will start transitioning to the new AMDRAS form during the 2024-2025 Financial Year however Mediators will be able to continue to choose NMAS or AMDRAS provisions until the 30.5.2025.

Family Dispute Resolution Practitioners
Ongoing Professional Development (OPD) of 24 hours every two years based on your registration date or reinstatement date.
We ask you to provide this information as your complaint handling body. You may be audited by the Attorney Generals Practitioner Registration Unit during periodic audits.
There is no mandatory requirement regarding practice hours for FDR Practitioners.

Click this link to go to the Regs.
Family Law (Family Dispute Resolution Practitioners) Regulations 2008
Regulation 14 Education, training and professional development
(1) A person who is accredited as a family dispute resolution practitioner must undertake at least 24 hours education, training or professional development in family dispute resolution in each 24 month period starting on the day of the person’s accreditation as a family dispute resolution practitioner.
(2) If the Secretary becomes aware that an accredited family dispute practitioner has failed to comply with subregulation (1), the Secretary may, by written notice, give the person a specified period within which to comply with the requirement.
In 2021 the Attorney Generals Department provided notice that they would commence a general audit of registered Family Dispute Resolution Practitioners to ensure that we are complying with this very important ongoing obligation.
If audited you will be required to provide evidence of completing your 24 hours of FDR Specific Ongoing Professional Development in your preceding 24 month registration period.
Family Group Conference Facilitators
There currently isn’t a formal accreditation system in place for Family Group Conference Facilitators.
As part of our membership requirements, we anticipate that our members will commit to completing 24 hours of professional development specifically related to Family Group Conferencing within each two-year membership period.
Professional development sessions will be accessible to Mediation Institute Members to support their growth and expertise in this area.
We encourage you to consider forming peer supervision discussion groups and look for opportunities to provide and receive real world experience by mentoring and assisting with conferences.
NMAS / AMDRAS Practice Hour Requirements
The introduction of the AMDRAS and the new three levels of accreditation in Australia has resulted in a bit more complexity regarding practice hours.
This table summarises the requirements for the different levels of accreditation.
It also points out that when Specialist Dispute Resolution Practitioners are added to the Standards there will be CPD requirements regarding them as well.
Pathways to Advanced and Leading Mediator
Once the AMDRAS Board invites application from RMAB’s to apply to become RAP’s administering the AMDRAS the option to apply to become an Advanced Mediator and Leading Mediators will become available.
Due to the requirements regarding the number of years as an Advanced Mediator any applications for Leading Mediator recognition will require evidence of equivalent levels of professional practice, professional development and advanced standing in the industry.
Further information and an application process will be made available in due course.
Which standard to apply?
Until Mediation Institute is approved as a RAP renewals will be processed under the NMAS standards.
Once we are approved Recognised Practitioners (NMAS / AMDRAS accredited members) will be able to renew under EITHER NMAS or AMDRAS standards up to the 30th June 2024. After that renewals will be under the AMDRAS provisions.

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