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Changes In May 2024 To The Family Law Act 1975 Regarding First Nations Families

First Nations Families – changes in the Family Law Act 1975 regarding First Nations Families – Webinar Recording

Video Recording

Overview and Links

Join Joanne and Geri as they delve into the recent amendments to the Family Law Act impacting First Nations families. 

This session covers topics such as the expanded definition of ‘relative’ for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children, new best interest of the child factors, and the various services available to support these changes. 

Geri, a first nations Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner, shares insights from her experiences, discussing the importance of cultural safety in mediation and how to address challenges for families with mixed cultural backgrounds. 

Also, explore the significance of recognizing a child’s cultural heritage, family group conferencing, and how non-Indigenous practitioners can better serve First Nations communities. This comprehensive discussion is a must-watch for professionals working within the family law system, aiming to support culturally appropriate pathways for First Nations families. 

  • 00:00 Introduction and Acknowledgement of Country 
  • 00:48 Exploring Changes in the Family Law Act for First Nations Families
  • 01:02 Guest Introduction and Background Sharing
  • 02:25 Deep Dive into Family Law Act Amendments
  • 03:41 Safety and Best Interests of the Child in Family Law
  • 06:41 Cultural Heritage and Connection in Mediation
  • 08:47 Family Dispute Resolution in First Nations Context
  • 09:49 Engaging with Cultural Heritage and Community Support
  • 13:19 Interactive Discussion and Insights on Cultural Sensitivity
  • 30:46 Concluding Remarks and Future Directions

You can download the presentation  here – Click to download  

Links shared during the session 

  1. A short video produced by Joanne and available on the Interact Support Inc YouTube channel that explains the new Best Interests of the Child Factors, including those for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gM40YjiePho&t=7s
  2. Mediation Institute Training
    1. Family Dispute Resolution – https://www.mediationinstitute.edu.au/chc8115-grad-dip-family-dispute-resolution/
    2. Family Group Conferencing – https://www.mediationinstitute.edu.au/family-group-conference-facilitator-training/
  3. Gathering Food for Thought research project on first nations peacemaking in part funded by the Mediator Standards Board https://msb.org.au/resources/research 
  4. Evolve Communities, 2024 winner of the Telstra Best of Business awards for developing communities. They have cultural awareness training and an allieship program to help non-indigenous people to show our support and build cultural awareness.
    1. LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/company/evolvecommunities/
    2. Website – https://www.evolves.com.au/
  5. Supply Nation – a national Indigenous business directory https://supplynation.org.au/
  6. Blurred Borders Cards initiative of Legal Aid WA and QLD –
    1. https://blurredborders.legalaid.wa.gov.au/packs/family-violence/story-cards
    2. https://www.legalaid.qld.gov.au/Blurred-Borders/Blurred-Borders-Queensland
  7. Reconciliation Australia – an independent not-for-profit organisation that is the lead body for reconciliation in Australia, promoting and facilitating reconciliation by building relationships, respect and trust between the wider Australian community and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. https://www.reconciliation.org.au/

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