Family Law Act Amendment Bill

Family Law Amendments Bill 2023 Consultation

New amendments to the Family Law Act 1975 opened for consultation on the 30th January, 2023 and the consultation closes on the 27th February 2023.

You can read about what is proposed here – Family Law Amendment Bill 2023 – Attorney-General’s Department – Citizen Space (  

Anyone is able to make a submission but if you would like something pointed out in the submission that Mediation Institute will be making, please forward through to us your contribution by mid-February.

We’ll add the key points to this article, but there are some excellent resources in the document seeking consultation explaining the change, the reason for the change and the research / parliamentary hearing or other reasons to justify them. 

Most relate more to lawyers and court users however there is a fundamental change to the “Best interest of the child” definition, assumptions regarding parental responsibility and appropriate starting points for parenting plans which will have major implications for FDRPs if the bill becomes an update to the Family Law Act. 

It is always more helpful to contribute your thoughts regarding unintended consequences from legislation at this stage than to complain about things that you could foresee later. 

Family Law Webinar

We have a Family Law System Webinar which will look at the current family law system but should also provide an opportunity for discussion of the proposed changes on the 8th February .
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